With an eye on tomorrow, the Vulica Brasil Institute of Art and Sustainability launches today the ACORDA, CONIC! project with the participation of Raruti Design and support from the Fundo de Apoio à Cultura do Distrito Federal (FAC-DF).
ACORDA, CONIC! is another step in the revitalization of Conic. In this project, we will bring together talented residents of Brasília (whether native or "naturalized") and engage citizens interested in the future of the city where they live. Artists, designers, urban planners, architects, environmentalists, researchers, performers, volunteers with any academic background, regular visitors, and entrepreneurs of Conic are all welcome. The ultimate goal is to bring more fun to the Setor de Diversões Sul, making Conic more vibrant, inclusive, sustainable, multicultural, cozy, and a true heritage of Brasília.
We invited two distinguished architects/urbanists to act as curators for Acorda! The Brasília perspective is brought by Daniel Mangabeira, partner at the legendary BLOCO ARQUITETOS, with extensive experience in the federal capital – "Conic, where the real Brazil encounters the one idealized by Lúcio Costa. A democratic space that helps Brasília understand its identity" (Daniel Mangabeira).
The "outsider's perspective" comes from Lourenço Gimenes, a native of São Paulo and a member of the highly acclaimed FGMF Architects studio, who participated in three editions of the Vulica Brasil festival in Minsk – "Rethinking the city needs to be a daily act. Engaging with Brasília starting from Conic is an incredible opportunity" (Lourenço Gimenes).
Our story began far from Brazil, in 2014, when we launched in Minsk, Belarus, the first international urban art festival in that city, titled Vulica Brasil ("Brazil Street" in Belarusian). Over five editions, the festival revitalized entire regions through 50 monumental murals, civic activism, tactical urbanism, and ecological awareness. Now, we've landed in Brasília-DF, where we're developing similar plans, starting with ACORDA! In Brazil, we planted the first seed on April 21, 2021, when we held the pre-inauguration of the institute in Brazil at Conic, with residencies for 3 Belarusian artists (Doctor Oy, Zuzu, and Hutkasmachnaa) and a cultural researcher from Belarus, alongside local artists (Hyper, Breu, Gurulino), resulting in various murals and artistic interventions of different dimensions.

Follow ACORDA! on our social media channels, subscribe to our newsletter, and support the ongoing revitalization of Conic.
PrOGRaM 2023
Workshop for commerce.
June 23rd, Friday, at 5:30 PM.
In this workshop aimed at representatives of the commerce, ideas will be discussed to positively influence neighboring commerce, map possible commercial activities, and draft a schedule of events for the area. The relaxed atmosphere will foster the exchange of experiences among participants.
Workshop for the general public.
June 24th, Saturday, at 11:30 AM.
During the workshop, the ideas of all participants will be heard, and a map of challenges and solutions for the square will be created, along with identifying target audiences, understanding the space's functioning, and developing "tasks" for urban planners in a playful manner.
Workshop for artists and the third sector.
June 26th, Monday, at 7:00 PM.
Designed for artists and cultural and social activists, this workshop will address social activities and cultural interventions in the square project. The ideas of all participants will be heard, a program of social activities will be developed, a map of potential activities in the square will be created, and a draft of an annual event schedule will be written.
Online Public Consultation
Online public consultation about the Retirees Square. Participate here.
Interdisciplinary Workshops
Photo: Bruno Castro, Samuel Alves, Emanuelle Sena
In the East and West
Retirees Square
Connect Pavilion
Zumbi dos Palmares Square
PrOGRaM 2022
Confess, Conic!
Online public consultation about the SDS. The consultation has ended. See the results below.
May 14th / July 15th, 2022
June 27th, 2022
5:30 PM / 7:00 PM
Public chat:
"The transformation of SDS: from tactical to strategic urbanism"
and "Building urbanity: a dialogue between public and private"
with architects/urbanists Lourenço Gimenes (FGMF Lab, São Paulo)
and Daniel Mangabeira (Bloco Arquitetos, Brasília)
Location: Auditorium of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), ICC Norte, Darcy Ribeiro University Campus, University of Brasília (UnB).
The event is free and will have Brazilian Sign Language interpreters.
June 27th / July 15th, 2022
Online call and registration for participants of a multidisciplinary workshop, divided into thematic groups in search of concrete solutions for Conic.
Multidisciplinary Workshop for Conic
Register here (registrations end on July 13th).
Workshop, day 1
July 16th, 2022 / Saturday
10:00 AM / 12:00 PM
1:00 PM / 5:00 PM
Participant introduction, initiation of discussions among groups, general plan, work plan, tips, questions, guidance.
Location: Conic, Inner Square. Reference: in front of the bar "Chicão".
Workshop, day 2
July 17th, 2022 / Sunday
10:00 AM / 12:00 PM
1:00 PM / 4:00 PM
Creation and development of projects, budgeting.
Location: Conic, Central Square. Reference: in front of the "Mercadinho do Natinho" store.
Workshop, day 3
July 24th, 2022 / Sunday
10:00 AM / 12:00 PM
1:00 PM / 4:00 PM
Continuation of project development, discussions, preparation for the presentation, identification of implementation challenges.
Location: Conic, Central Square. Reference: in front of the "Mercadinho do Natinho" store.
Development of the projects
July 24th / September 17th, 2022
Development of the projects by the working groups formed in the workshop curated by architects/urbanists Lourenço Gimenes (FGMF Lab, São Paulo) and Daniel Mangabeira (Bloco Arquitetos, Brasília).
Public presentation of the projects
Public presentation of the projects. Closing party.
Location: Conic, Central Square
October 1st, Saturday, 2022

Este projeto é apoiado pelo Fundo de Apoio à Cultura do Distrito Federal.